Keywords: peace, forgiveness, letting go, realigns, release, reintegration | |
Indications: throat chakra, heart. It brings a sense of peace, forgiveness, helping letting go, Jan Rose's insights Central Governing Line meridian (from base of skull, up over head and down front of face to chin).
'When there is peace in the heart, all things are achievable'. | |
Healing Qualities: This amazing essence releases Gentle, benign, non-verbal communication. Some things are too important to attempt to resolve with mere words. Heart to heart communication is key. Speech can be misconstrued and words misinterpreted , the heart cannot. This essence takes us through a process, forgiveness letting go of resentment, releasing. Bringing a sense of peace. When we have peace in our Hearts we have tranquillity and all things are achievable. When Jan Rose worked with this essence there was lots of yawning and releasing. | |