Keywords: sweetness, nurturing, self, mother hen, emotional blockages, release, soothes, fear, emotions | |
Indications: 3rd eye chakra, throat chakra, heart chakra, Solar Plexus chakra. 'Bringing the sweetness back in. Healing old hurts, of the heart chakra gently clears emotional blockages, releasing from emotional baggage. | |
Healing Qualities: Where there has been deep hurt in the past it helps to releases those hurts and bring the sweetness back in. sooths on a deep level. Jan Rose's insight.Useful too for those who will not allow themselves to be nurtured or mothered (maybe because of bad experiences in the past) but who instead 'Mother Hen' everyone else. Helps them to accept help for themselves and to drop the reins and only offer help to others if they have been asked to, rather than try to help and then be hurt when people rebuff them. To accept nurturing for the self; for mother hen type; for mothering, nurturing. Soothing fears and emotions Gently clearing emotional blockages. Releasing. Settling fears and emotions. Healing. Good all round essence that could form the basis for many combinations or dosage bottles. Could be applied directly to the Solar Plexus or the corresponding point on the feet. | |