Julie Bowman
Lotus Holistic        

Lotus Holistic Essences - available individually or in sets

Julie has been working on these essences for 21 years

The Sea Essence Journey
Bifurcaria    life tensions, stress, conflict, relationships, unsettled, confusion, objectivity, clarity, resolution, unties knots, problems solver, aligns, akashic records
Blackpool Mill    overwhelm, cleanser, de-clutter, space, perspective, overwhelm, time out,
Caherdaniel Bladderwrack    chaos, fear, turmoil, safe, sooths, calms
Corallejo - Halimeda tuna    toxic, relationships, environment, land, toxic, energy
Coralline    chakra balancer, rebooting, rebuilds, restores, strength, clarifies, distress, stress, empower, flow
Derrynane Kelp    irritation, anger, energy protection
Iona    dark night of soul, deep melancholia, disconnection, aloofness, mental anguish, lonely, depression, melancholia, recharge, element rebalancer, discernment, reconnects, calm, invigorates
Kefalonia    purifies, cleanses, thoughts, filters emotions, heart,
Kelp    addictions, trauma, shock focus, faith, change, pattern breaker, trust, people , animal/ land healing
Kelp-holdfast    disorientated, dizziness, imbalances befor and after travel, unification, calm, empower, synchronisation
Mull    isolation, loneliness, forlornness, displaced, bereft, emptiness, depression, turmoil, trauma, melancholia, belonging, land, balance, equilibrium
Oxwich Bay    intimidate, psychic disturbance, bullied, abuse, disturbance, non-reactive, tranquillity, clarity, cleanse, cleaner, powerful clearer
Runswick-Bay    balance, rebalances
Sea Lettuce    tension, undercurrents, enables, smooths, flow
Ulva    cleaning, cleanses, refreshing, declutter, letting go, release, invigorates, chi-balancer
White-Bay    reconciliation, clarity, self-aware